A Pot Pourri, sometimes fragrant, sometimes not, of my physical travels and idiosyncratic contemplations, for the possible interest of family,friends and new friends and anyone who wants to "drop by for coffee and a chat" Contact me through comments at the end of each blog or at docpgm@btinternet.com. I look forward to talking with you. "Doc"

The Author

The Author
Rambling Doc

About Me

Near Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
63 year old, partially retired General Practitioner. Strange "but works for us" relationship at home! Grown up family, now a double grandad. Rides motorcycle, wanders about a lot, and paints and draws a bit.

Saturday 10 March 2007

Contact Doc

I have absolutely no idea whether anyone, other than my immediate family or friends have read, or indeed will read any of my Blog site. It really does not matter much as it's quite cathartic to write. Incidentally, you may be interested, if you didn't know, that the word, catharsis, comes from a greek word "katharos" which means "clean" and catharsis , although I use it in the sense of an outlet for my emotions, also means purgative. So for those of you who don't follow the inner workings of my soul, you are quite entitled to also regard it as a load of crap! I have had one or two people who have actually asked "How do I comment on your blogs in the 'comment' spot at the end?" I believe that to be able to do so, you have to go to the Google blogspot login and register there and it's free from Google. You can use any name you like, and you don't have to start writing your own blog as well, unless you fancy it. Neither can I tell who you are under your blogger name, so say whatever you think. If you want to contact me personally or want to ask me something, I have now opened a new specific e-mail address at docsramblings@aol.com. Part of my idea on this Blog is to be able to make new contacts anyway, particularly while I am travelling. My bike will have my Blogspot address on the pannier, partly for the inquisitive to know what a British registered bike is doing on their patch, and partly to make contact with the natives as I pass through! I will be happy to try to reply to people who contact me, though, if there are an enormous amount (what!) I may just send cc e-mail replies to a bunch at a time as I have a helluva lot of bum in saddle time to get through and can't be writing to the fans all day! So, I look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to receive constructive criticism about the Blog. Also, if anyone knows how to load photos quickly on to the site, let me know because I have not yet been able to work that out and a few pictures occasionally, for those of you whose reading skills are a bit stretched by the intellectual content, may serve to keep you in touch with the experiences on the road of my life.

Best wishes, Doc

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