A Pot Pourri, sometimes fragrant, sometimes not, of my physical travels and idiosyncratic contemplations, for the possible interest of family,friends and new friends and anyone who wants to "drop by for coffee and a chat" Contact me through comments at the end of each blog or at docpgm@btinternet.com. I look forward to talking with you. "Doc"

The Author

The Author
Rambling Doc

About Me

Near Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
63 year old, partially retired General Practitioner. Strange "but works for us" relationship at home! Grown up family, now a double grandad. Rides motorcycle, wanders about a lot, and paints and draws a bit.

Thursday 30 August 2007

Don't go into Los Angeles...too bloody late...Thieves

This is actually out of time and context, but I write it in the vain hope that it may get the attention of the relevant scum-bags and prick their consciences. Some hope! I was warned that Los Angeles is a criminal hotbed, and would have avoided it altogether, but we had to come here to bring Wife to the airport to return to the U.K. . Parked in the locked supposedly safe car parking compound with video surveillance and security staff on duty, I woke this morning to find that both the locked side panniers of my bike had been stolen, in their entireity, right off the bike! This is so annoying and frustrating. The thieves actually left my gallon petrol container and my Racoon skin and bag of salt alongside the bike, but inside the other pannier was my UK Nokia mobile phone/camera with pictures of San Francisco and all sorts of other bits, not terribly valuable in themselves but memorabilia and such like as well. The security video, of course, jammed last night, so the car parking area is not recorded,and the LAPD took a statement from me over the phone because it's hardly considered to be of much importance in the scale of crime here! Also in the pannier were all my travel visiting cards with the blog details, so, if any of you who took the stuff happen to have also stolen somebody's computer and have any idea how to use it,although that might be too hard for you, PLEASE consider dropping the stuff back over the fence tonight...Only the cigarettes are any use to you, and the rest means a lot to me.

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